
The Beauty and Benefits of Florida’s Native Plants

Every region of the world is blessed with its own native plants that have effortlessly adapted to the local growing conditions. Long before mankind began developing the land, native plants were flourishing amidst fields, deep in the forests and along the riverbanks. Here in the tropics, the trend to “go native” is growing as more [...]

The Beauty and Benefits of Florida’s Native Plants2024-04-07T15:29:10+00:00

Design The Flow Of The Land With Permaculture Zones

When I bought my 4.8 acre property last year, I spent many mornings and evenings walking the land just feeling and observing, which happens to be the first of the permaculture principles. I would have been lost as to where to begin without my new understanding of permaculture zones. I was so grateful to have [...]

Design The Flow Of The Land With Permaculture Zones2024-04-07T15:32:14+00:00

Florida Native Plants And Tropical Flowers

I recently encountered a young couple selling Florida native plants at the local farmer’s market. I was not necessarily on a mission to buy any, but I came home with nine of them. I already had an Elderberry and a Milkweed, and since the price was right for many I had researched, I decided to [...]

Florida Native Plants And Tropical Flowers2024-04-07T15:33:07+00:00

The Permaculture Way Of Helping And Sharing

My permaculture teacher refers to this gardening methodology as a way of life. The permaculture way of life is ultimately about community wherein we balance receiving help from others, and by giving and sharing our permaculture knowledge and bounty with others. Friends who come to visit here at Sweetgrass Farm are fed bountiful, fresh food [...]

The Permaculture Way Of Helping And Sharing2024-04-07T15:34:29+00:00
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