Monthly Archives: August 2013

The Gift Of Grace In These Changing Times

It is hard to disregard the enormous energy in motion on the planet now reflecting times of great change. If you are not feeling it, you must be sleep walking! Every sector of life as we know it is being challenged: religion, science, education, health, food, government, environment, careers, families, relationships, spirituality and more. We, [...]

The Gift Of Grace In These Changing Times2022-07-20T17:31:08+00:00

Toxic Farming Practices And Colony Collapse Disorder

A major concern in our world today is the alarming rate of the bees disappearing, also know as colony collapse disorder. Over a million bee colonies are dying each year, leaving the queen bee to starve and die. Why are the bees dying? Though there remains a fair amount of controversy about the bees dying, [...]

Toxic Farming Practices And Colony Collapse Disorder2024-04-07T15:54:59+00:00

Legend Of The Dragonfly

Dragonflies have a special fascination for many folks which has resulted in dragonfly folklore around the world. Something about this iridescent, winged creature compels us towards a longing to understand the meaning of dragonfly. Out of this longing has arisen the legend of the dragonfly amongst people in diverse cultures. Some of these dragonfly myths [...]

Legend Of The Dragonfly2022-07-20T17:45:10+00:00
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