Monthly Archives: July 2013

Dragonflies And The Human Evolution Of Awakening

A question we might all want to ask, in light of all the enormous challenges humanity faces today, is are we in the process of evolution or devolution? The sign posts of these challenges do not appear, on the surface, to be pointing to a positive human evolution. Human evolution is about humanity's capacity to [...]

Dragonflies And The Human Evolution Of Awakening2022-07-20T19:05:55+00:00

Waking Up To The Cosmos And Earth Changes

It is time to save the Earth. While most of us are busy living life, our planet Earth along with the entire solar system are in the process of tremendous changes. We can casually acknowledge this has always been the case, always will be and this would be true. But, these current earth changes are [...]

Waking Up To The Cosmos And Earth Changes2024-04-07T15:55:15+00:00

Embracing New Beliefs To Create Change

Humanity is in need of a great change. If we are honest with ourselves, if we can slow down long enough to really see the truths being reflected back to us in the mirror of life we have created, we can glimpse clearly what is, and what is not, working. History has shown us that [...]

Embracing New Beliefs To Create Change2022-07-20T19:12:24+00:00
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